Finding stillness and quiet at Christmas

In these last days and hours leading up to Christmas there is so much hustle and bustle- and so much of it is joyful and festive. Some of it is just crazy frantic- shopping, wrapping, packing, traveling…go, go, go!

So let’s pause.

We can’t hear God if we aren’t listening, and we need to hear Him now- as we do always. Taking a little time out of the day to go to mass, or just sit in prayer- it is so renewing to the soul. No matter the time of year it is very easy to fall into prayer being about me talking, me petitioning, me…me…me – but so much more it needs to be about me listening- making it about God, and not about me.

My prayer for all of us at this blessed and very full time of year, is that we each of us find a moment, in a quiet corner, to hear God’s still small voice in our hearts, and to feel the gratitude that He sent His Son as a tiny, vulnerable baby- into a humble manger – to save us all. If that isn’t worth stopping to deeply ponder, I don’t know what is!

Merry Christmas everyone!

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