A Fight for Life

In the US and in the world, we are fighting a battle over our culture. In most places, it appears we are losing the war. Nowhere is this more poignant than in the world of healthcare- where we can find stories across the globe about the increase in abortions and in euthanasia. A culture of death and a disregard for life is prevalent.

We can’t be complacent on this point. As Catholics, there are many topics that are open for debate- but valuing life is not one of them. The problem is that even when we think we are doing the right things- praying for people to choose life, supporting organizations that assist families in caring for their children, volunteering in hospitals to make the end of life a time of dignity- there is still more that we can do.

I learned recently of an organization whose mission is to help hospitals and doctors follow their conscience, that assists employers who want to provide insurance while supporting the mission of life, and in helping individuals to get the care they need. It is called Christ Medicus and more information about this wonderful organization can be found here.

In their own words, Christ Medicus “defends religious freedom and builds Christ-centered Catholic health care. Our mission is to share Jesus Christ’s healing love in health care, to build authentically Catholic care, to defend life and religious freedom, and to protect the poor and vulnerable.” I was very excited when I learned about this organization, because they are putting into action what so many of us have in our hearts. They are really caring for individuals, mind, body and soul.

If you are concerned about where the health care in this country may be headed, Christ Medicus is working to create solutions. “The Christ Medicus Foundation champions religious freedom, Christ-centered care, and the dignity of the human person at a moment when many are calling for health care that would undermine patient freedom and control of their medical care, limit religious liberty, and radically expand abortion. We work for a person-centered health care system.”

God bless the people at Christ Medicus who are fighting for life!

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